[SCM] UNNAMED PROJECT branch, master, updated. 296d361ea3d22b5d7b4920fcaf0b2cb6d1ca45ab
Michal Cihar
2012-01-31 21:01:30 UTC
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 296d361ea3d22b5d7b4920fcaf0b2cb6d1ca45ab
Author: Michal Čihař <***@cihar.com>
Date: Tue Jan 31 22:00:40 2012 +0100

Drop mention of Ad Bard, it is gone

diff --git a/html/donate.html b/html/donate.html
index f69e440..bc0e905 100644
--- a/html/donate.html
+++ b/html/donate.html
@@ -71,19 +71,6 @@ transfer to account 2300081892 / 2010.
{% endblocktrans %}

-<h3>{% trans "Advertisement" %}</h3>
-{% blocktrans %}
-This website currently participates in <a href="http://adbard.net">The Ad Bard
-Network</a>, the only advertising network designed specifically for reaching
-the developers, architects, users and influencers in the free software
-community, allowing advertisers to directly communicate with the key customers
-in this exciting new area. By buying advertisement in this network, you will
-support various free software websites including this one.
-{% endblocktrans %}
<h3>{% trans "Other Options" %}</h3>
{% blocktrans %}